Terms of Use

By entering this website (https://taracapital.eu/) and any pages contained therein, you confirm that you understand and accept the following terms and conditions. Please leave this website if you do not agree with these terms and conditions. If presentation of the information contained in this website is in contravention to the legislation of your country, you may not enter this website.

No information displayed on this website shall not constitute an offer or advice to enter into transactions and it is also not an offer of investment advice or services. The purpose of presenting the prospectuses, rules and other data of Tara Capital is to provide information about the objectives and investment principles of the funds.

Tara Capital makes very good effort to ensure that the information presented on this website is accurate and complete at the moment of presentation. Information is obtained from sources that are considered reliable. Nevertheless, Tara Capital does not give any warranties or guarantees that the presented information (except the information which Tara Capital is obliged to disclose pursuant to law) is accurate and complete. The information presented on this website shall be used for personal purposes only and Tara Capital may amend the information without giving prior notice thereof (except if prior notice is mandatory under the law).

You should carefully read the prospectus, rules, key investor information documents and terms and conditions of the fund managed by Tara Capital before investing into the fund. Consult professional tax and investment advisors for a more detailed explanation of taxation, investment risks and other investment- related issues.

Tara Capital displays information on this website to perform the notification obligation arising from the laws of the Republic of Estonia. Tara Capital shall not be held liable for any damages that may arise from the use of this information.

The funds and their offer documents (including prospectuses) referred to on this website are not offered or distributed in countries or jurisdictions where such offering or distribution is not permitted by law. Persons residing in such countries or jurisdictions may not enter this website.

The information presented on this website is protected by copyright and it may be used for personal purposes only. The presented information may not be distributed (electronically or otherwise), amended, linked or otherwise used for any public or commercial purposes without the prior written consent of Tara Capital.

In accordance with the Estonian Investment Funds Act and legal acts adopted on the basis of the Investment Funds Act, Tara Capital must present to unit-holders of UCITS (investment funds regulated by the European Union) managed by it information about its rules on handling of client complaints, exercise of voting rights, placing orders to deal on behalf of UCITS and info about certain fees to unitholders of all funds managed by it.

A unit-holder has the right to ask from Tara Capital specific information about the circumstances described in this document. Info presented here cannot be taken as investment advice, investment recommendation, investment analysis or other investment service.

Tara Capital shall answer all client questions. At the same time, Tara Capital shall treat as a complaint only those requests where specific claim is presented in relation to a product, service or agreement of Tara Capital.

A unit-holder who has acquired units of a fund managed by Tara Capital, should present his complaint to Tara Capital who handles the claim according to its rules on handling client complaints.

The complaint can be filed in the official language of the country where funds managed by Tara Capital are publicly offered. Generally, the complaint must be filed in the form enabling written reproduction. The complaint shall clearly state the claim of client and documents proving it, if any.

The complaint filed by a legal person shall be solved within 30 days and the complaint filed by a physical person shall be solved within 15 days from receipt of claim by Tara Capital, except in the case of sophisticated complaint or when there is a need to clarify additional circumstances. In such cases, Tara Capital shall notify the additional deadline to the complainer. When satisfying the complaint fully or partially, the client shall be presented an answer in the form enabling written reproduction and, if necessary, compromise proposal shall be given. In case the complaint is not satisfied, the client shall be presented respective reasoned answer in the form enabling written reproduction.

Tara Capital is supervised by the Estonian Financial Supervision Authority (www.fi.ee).

When assessing acting in the best interests of UCITS in executing decisions or placing orders to deal on behalf of UCITS, the following factors shall be considered: price, cost, speed, likelihood of execution and settlement, order size and nature and any other consideration relevant to the execution.

The relative importance of factors given above shall be determined by reference to the following criteria: the objectives, investment policy and risk profile of UCITS, the characteristics of the order, financial instruments that are the subject of that order and execution venues to which that order can be directed.

When assessing acting in the best interests of UCITS in executing decisions or placing orders to deal on behalf of UCITS, the following factors will be considered: price, cost, speed, likelihood of execution and settlement, order size and nature and any other consideration relevant to the execution.